Thursday, March 19, 2015

Berlin Memorial Reflection

     This activity was very informational I learned a lot about the laws and the time leading up to the war. I always new that there were laws placed to limit what Jews could do but I did not know there where so many.  The main thing I learned from this activity is that Hitler took away their rights strategically to take away the Jews humanity without other countries finding. I think they put this monument up to apologize to the Jews and say sorry fro what they did. It might also be to remember the mistakes they made and try to avoid them in the future.

       I notice in the beginning the laws were slowly being placed maybe to lower there moral but not scare them enough to start complaining and start problems for the Nazis. Then right when the war started all the laws started being put into place probably because the other countries are now focusing on fighting the Germans and not worrying about the Jews and the laws that are being placed against them.  I think the law that I would have the most problems with is the friends law. Were you cant have friends that are Jewish because I am a person that can be friends with anyone so it would be frustrating not being able to have certain friends due to there religion. The other law that I think I would have a problem with is the sporting camp law. My life is mainly based off of sports so if I was not allowed do sports because I was Jewish I would probably live a very boring life.

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