Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rules February 27

Prompt: Character
Read 0-50

        Catherine is one of the main characters in this book. She is a really good drawer she does the best when she is drawing faces and portraits. She has a brother named David that has autism. She doesn't really handle it that well she just always want's to avoid him. Like when she has a friend over she always leaves the house so that David doesn't bother them. She also is kinda annoyed that her parents never pay any attention to her and that there whole life revolve around him.

        Even though catherine has a hard time dealing with it she still does love and care about her brother. Like during the whole book she is telling him rules that will help him not get into trouble or will help him later in life. Some of the rules she tells him are Chew with your mouth closed or no toys in the fish tank things like that. Also when her parents are gone she has to take care of David she sometimes draw pictures of him to make him happy when he gets angry.

         David is also one of the characters in the book. He is Catherine's younger brother that has autism. Every week he has to go to a therapist where he learns to control his emotions and things like that. Dave dose not really know simple rules that we learn that is the reason why Catherine has to wright him all those rules.


  1. Great blog this week, Gabe! This book kinda reminds me of "Wonder", how the main character has a deformity and his sister is slightly embarrassed by it. It seems like every book that has a kid with a deformity or something like that is always being hidden from people. How are you liking this book so far?

  2. Thats sad that Catherine avoids her borther. If my sister had autism I wouldn't avoid her, instead I would not care. She'd do what she wanted, if it happened to near me, so be it. Nice blog.

  3. Good blog. I find it kinda mean that she avoids him. But you do say she helps him and stuff. Good blog.

  4. Great blog post! This book really sounds sad and interesting. It is indeed kind of mean that the main character ignores her brother. She should at least try to communicate with him.

  5. Nice blog. Great job describing two of the main characters. I can understand the book better if I know about the main characters.

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