Friday, February 6, 2015

TKAM Book Talk

I chose To Kill A Mocking Bird the author of this book is Harper Lee. The genre of this book is realistic fiction or fiction.

Were this book takes place is in a small town called Maycomb Country located in Alabama, during the 1930's so when discrimination was still around. The main event that was happening during the book was the great depression it was the time when America was loosing lots of money and most people were poor and struggling to make a living. Scout is the main character in the book and she is the age of 6 when the book first starts but at the end of the book she is 9.  She is more of a tomboy and likes to solve problems with her firsts instead of her head, but also has a funny side to her and also has a great personality. Scout also has a brother that is 10 when the book first starts. Throughout the book Scout was struggling with being able to mature fast enough to be able to understand all the problems that are going on in the book. Jem and Scout were like best friends in the beginning of the book but by the end Jem kind of leaves her behind because he is mature and is starting to understand what is happening in the world while scout is still being a kid not really capable of understanding what is going on yet. The mood of this book is a combination of sadness and comedy. The book was during one of Americas most darkest times so of course there is going to be some sadness and guilt that are built into the book but it is not just all sadness it also had some funny and uplifting parts. Since there are children in the book of course there are going to be some sections were its just people having fun and also the kid’s of making a fool of them selves that sometimes get me to laugh. The main theme of this book is coming of age and growing up and how it showed the characters personalities change because of them growing up and learning more about the world.

This was my favorite book that we have read as a class all year. I like it because the characters had a lot of personality. I like how there personalities changed over the course of the book due to the main events that happened in the book. I also like how if you look at the story more in depth you will find that the book has a whole new meaning and everything ends up adding up. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn about American discrimination in a more entertaining way. I also would suggest this book to teenagers because its shows coming of age really nicely and also helps you get some background knowledge on American history in a fun way.  People should get this book because it is one of those books were you cant stop reading it even if you are really tired. It is very creative and it is also not to hard to read sure there are some challenging part but its written well enough to have great detail but not be very confusing at the same time.  

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