Tuesday, February 24, 2015

AOW Impressions for 2-20

          I found that a lot of the articles were either about Isis or other countries starting to threaten other countries. Before this gallery walk I did not that Isis had about 90 other countries that are teaming up with Isis and I did not realize how much of a threat they are to surrounding countries like Italy. Even though a lot of the blogs were focused on Isis not all of the Articles are focused on the same topic on Isis. Like Diego's blog his blog focused on Isis but instead of focusing on the beheading part of Isis I focused on the social media Isis uses to get there ideas out there in public. Besides Isis and their violence some people had articles about Russia and how they are now posing a threat to Europe. Stevens article talks about Russia and how they are building up there military and are showing signs of violence towards Europe. Even though a lot of the articles were about Isis I still enjoyed the gallery walk because I got lots of information about Isis in multiple point of views. 

       Besides a lot of the articles being about Isis there were a lot of unique articles that only one person had the same topic. This gallery walk really showed me that I need to be more into world events and problems. It varied from Marisa's article about woman's rights to Sarai's article about the CIA. Some of my favorite articles were Athziry's blog because instead of it being about war and other problems in the world is showed the personal side of things that really can relate to anyone. I also liked Steven's blog because it had lots of facts and it was different and I learned about something that I did not now anything about it until Steven explained to me about it. In all this weeks AOW's were very interesting and had some topics that were eye opening.

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