Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Eleventh Plague: Week Of October 28 2013

Prompt: Main Character
Pages Read: 100-160

     The Main Characters of this book are A 15 year old boy that was born after the collapse. He is a very menatally strong boy and wants to know what it was like when his parents were young. His mom died when he was very young and his grandfother was a drunk and ended up diying. He has a very small anger management and will get very angry if you threaten him or his dad.

      Another main charecter is Stephens father. He is a very strong willed man and he dosent give up easily. He wantes Stephen to get an egucation and do something with his life. Stephens dad was the one how fell down the gorge and is now in a deep coma.

       The other minure characters are Violet a very nice lady that now takes care of Stephen will his dad is in a coma. Another minure character is Justin Stephens new best friend that he hangs out with all the time. He also is Violtes son justin also has a little step sister that is named jenny she likes to get into trouble and is very ignorant.


  1. Nice blog. It made me want to read this book. You should read the post before you post it because there are some spelling and grammar errors.

  2. This sounds like a really good book. I think since the 15 year old boy is mentally strong it will lead him through many tough things. Next time, you should revise your blog to fix the spelling errors.

  3. I feel bad for Stephen's father because he sounds like a really great father, but then he eventually gets into a coma. I mean it's really all that fair for him because he sounds like a person who goes through such a hard time, but still stands tall. Is Violet related to Stephen in any way? I am looking forward into reading this book!

  4. I commented on Diego's, Julias, and Carlos blog.
