Friday, September 26, 2014

Vlog For Banned Books Week




  1. In your vlog I liked how you included specific and historical facts relating to the banned book the Giving Tree. I never knew that this book has been banned since the year 1988 and the state who challenged it first was Colorado. I agree when you mentioned how a person our age barely understands why it was banned and how can a kindergarten understand it. Great Vlog Post.

  2. Great job! I never knew that the Giving Tree is sexist or shows selfishness. It surprises me that this book was banned because it is a good children's book.

  3. I never knew that the Giving Tree was banned. I though that such a nice book would have no protest or anything of that sort. I also had no idea that the book was sexist and showed selfishness. Like you said, how would a younger one understand that.
