Sunday, August 17, 2014

13 Reasons August/17/2014

Prompt: summarizing about the story and the settings
Pages: 160-288

In this book along with the tapes Hanna also sent the people a map with stars on it. Each star is connected to one story and one person. So after that person was done listening to the tape they had the option of going to that star on the map and find out the whole story or just settle for what the tapes said. So Clay went to every place on the map and I am going to talk about the two places that I think had the biggest impact on Hannas decision.

The first places I am going to talk about is the fourth place on the map. It is this boys house the boy's name it Tom also known as Peeping Tom. One day Hanna was in her room when she heard a click of a camera but she thought it was nothing until she heard it several times and that is when she looked out side her window but did't see anyone. So the next day she getts this girl to help her catch the person taking pictures of her in her room. Hanna and the girl end up never seeing the kid but they did find out that the person did go to there school so they asked around. Everyone said just at my house except one person Tom he got defensive when they asked him and that is when Hanna knew it was him. This was important because that was Hannas only safe haven and it was taken away from her. Clay ended up walking to Toms house and found Marcus there throwing rocks at Toms window because he wanted Tom to know what it was like to not have any privacy in his own room. That is where figured out how much privacy ment to Hanna. 

The second places im going to talk about is the eighth place on the map. It is the library because Hanna loved poetry and there was a camp there for poetry so she signed up. And that is where she met Ryan he wrote the schools Lost-N-Found Gazette he would look in the lost and found and find the most interesting thing he could find and wright a article about it. Ryan ended up going to the camp also and they would show each others there poem and Ryan loved one of Hannas poem's he asked if he could wright an article on it but Hanna said no. So the next day the new Gazette came out and Hanna found out that her poem was on it it was stolen from her. This was important because it took her love away from poetry. Poetry was one of the very few things she still loved in her life.

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