Thursday, May 1, 2014

Insurgent May 1

Prompt:What has happened
Pages Read:140-230

When Tris and Tobias got to the Candor compound they were placed under arrest for being accused of helping the Erudite. But to make sure the candor leader made them take the truth serum so that they would have to take the test even if they did't want to.  The candor leader found out that they were not trying to help the erudite and let them go. The only bad thing about the truth serum was that it made you tell personal things so Tobia found out about some things that Tris did not trust with him. So that night tris and Tobias have a fight about trust and things like that but after a while things got al better.

After a couple of days staying at the compound the erudite attacked but not the same way they thought they would. Instead of guns they came in with somewhat like tranquilizer guns but instead of the knockout stuff it was the simulation serum. It wasent meant to kill anyone but it was meant to find out who was divergent. Tris was able to make escape and call for help. So finally the none traitor dauntless got there and started to fight of the other dauntless.

After the simulation wore of  everyone was back away and back to normall. But tobias found out something that could be very terrible for them. The erudite found a way to make a long lasting simulation serum. The only reason why they got a away the first time was because the simulation whore of and the fact that they destroyed the simulation controls. But now the Erudite will be able to control everyone for a longer time witch could lead to disaster for the none traitors.


  1. You read a lot for your blog this book must be very interesting because everyone is reading it. After I finish my book I will start reading Divergent in order to see if it's a good book. I liked how when you mentioned your characters it directly made the reader know their personalities. Why did Erudite attack them if they were trying to help him? I liked your picture it seems like a life or death situation. Great Blog Post.

  2. I like your blog this week. You did a good job explaining what happened in the book. Do you plan on reading Allegiant after you finish reading Insurgent?

  3. Nice blog. I like how you describe what happened in the book. I have never read this book or Divergent so some terms like "Erudite" do not make sense. Even though I do not know some words you summarize so well I can still understand the storyline.

  4. I commented On

  5. Great blog this week! I have noticed that a bunch of people have been reading the Divergent series. They must be very good. You did a great job on telling us what happen in the book.

  6. Great blog. I like how you used a lot of detail to support your blog. I read Insurgent and you are doing a great job.

  7. I liked your blog this week it shows how erudite is evil and Tobias and Tris are having problems.
