Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mice And Men April 10

Pages Read 0-35
Prompt: What happened  and Questions

This book is really good so far. It is about two men that are trying to make a living.  One of the men is short scrawny but is in charge of the other man his name is . The other man's name is Lennie he is huge and muscular but he is very forgetful and sometimes ruines it for george and him. Lennie and George are friends but not really close friends because george is always insulting and saying how easy his life would be is Lennie wasent their.  But George still cares about Lennie enough to not just ditch him and leave. Lennie likes soft thinks so h like's to pet rabbits, mice, and puppies  because of their soft hair. Lennie would always find mice and catch them so he could pet them until he accidentally squishes them to death.

George and Lennie both want to have money wich it something they dont have so they are now looking to find a job on a ranch but the bus driver kicked them out and they had to walk a couple of milles to the ranch. After walking in the woods for a day they finally got to the ranch and they met there boss and the bosses son Curly.  Curly dosent like big people because he is small himself so he likes to pick on Lennie.

Some Questions I would have

1) What inspired the author to make George smaller but make him in charge of Lennie

2) Why did he make Lennie forgetful

3) What made the author write this Novela

4) Why does Lennie like soft things


  1. Nice blog. I like how you describe what happened in detail. I also like the questions you would ask. I would ask similar ones.

  2. Good blog. Good description since we are reading the same thing. I like the question you have. I wonder about those things too. I wonder if he makes George the leader to make it seem kind of dumb that he is the small man yet he is in charge.

  3. I think you came up with good questions and you provided a lot of specific details in your paragraphs. I liked the picture you put because now it gives me an idea of the physical feature of George. I always did ask myself the same question what inspired the author to make George smaller but make him in charge of Lennie? In my opinion I think a lot of people were thinking this question. Great Blog Post.

  4. I like how you summarized the few chapters we read! And I really like the picture you added because it shows one problem we were first introduced to in the a book. Good job.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
